RoboParty 2017
02 Mar 2017
04 Mar 2017
Portugal |
Guimarães |
DEI - Univ. Minho - campus Azurem | |
RoboParty is a well established robotics event which is held annualy since 2007. It consists of an educational/pedagogical event that gathers teams of 4 people (normally 1 adult and 3 youngsters), during 3 days, to teach how to build mobile autonomous robots (electronics, mechanics and programming) in a simple and entertaining way, supported by qualified tutors. After RoboParty, teams take the robots they built so that they can continue using it in order to continue their learning process either at school or at home. The robot kit is botnroll ONE A, which is compatible with the RoboCupJunior leagues (Rescue, Dance and CO-Space) so that they will be able to participate in RoboCupJunior in future. Also, the RoboCupJunior leagues rules are described to participants during RoboParty, so they become aware of the main event.